Typical DMARC Compliance Process Step-by-Step Guide

Typical DMARC Compliance Process: Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re an email sender, you’re likely aware of the importance of email authentication. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) are two common authentication methods that help protect against email spoofing and phishing attacks. However, even with…

DMARC Compliance Explained

DMARC Compliance Explained

Email has become an essential tool for business communication, making it necessary to ensure that email delivery is reliable and secure. One way to achieve this is through Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC). DMARC is a protocol that…

10 Eye-Opening Phishing Attack Statistics

10 Eye-Opening Phishing Attack Statistics

Phishing attacks are one of the most common and dangerous cyber threats facing businesses and individuals today. These social engineering attacks trick victims into revealing sensitive information or installing malware through deceptive email messages. The consequences can be severe, from…

Reasons Why Spear Phishing Attacks Are Successful

Reasons Why Spear Phishing Attacks Are Successful

Spear phishing has emerged as one of the most prevalent and effective forms of cyber attacks in recent years. Unlike traditional phishing attempts that cast a wide net, spear phishing is highly targeted and personalized, making it significantly more successful.…